Best Engine oil brand for Cars and bike

The oil is necessary for all vehicle so, frequently you should change it, means after cross 10000 km then you should change it. The perfect and quality oil giving a best performance so, don’t try to buy ordinary company oil, otherwise engine will be cursed. Now we are discussing some point regarding the engine oil, as top brand name also we have to mention below point, before changing the oil, read the below points.


When to change car engine oil: The Car for specific period and Bike for specific period so, first when you change that time and month remember in the mind and 10000 km when cross your car after change the oil. If as your car frequently run then change the oil when end the 7500 km.

When to change bike engine oil: Each one using the regular bike so after crossing 2000 km, you can change the engine oil, due to bike average will be regular.

The According to AUTO engineer expert, ordinary company engine oil creating a engine problem, so try to avoid it. Because that in adulteration content so, after some period the engine problem will be create.

Below are best oil Brand for Bike and Cars

  • Castrol
  • Valvoline
  • Royal Purple
  • Servo
  • Gulf
  • Mobil Super
  • Quaker State
  • Royal Purple

Those are high engine response Engine oil so when you change the oil prefer to buy those brand, and keep safe engine.

Note: You can use for Petrol and Diesel vehicle

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